
Yanmin Qian


2023.11.29 16:00-17:30


With the popularization of the mobile internet and the Internet of Things, as well as the rise of artificial intelligence, voice conversations based interaction and auditory perception based artificial intelligence have become convenient and important. From Apple's Siri to Microsoft's Cortana, from Amazon's Echo to Google's Google Home, and from the Big Model to the Metaverse, a series of auditory centered artificial intelligence technologies have begun to enter millions of households, and speech dialogue and auditory technology have begun to change our lives in many ways. This talk will introduce the current auditory artificial intelligence technology and its development status, and provide an introduction on the industrial application of related technologies.


Dr. Yanmin Qian is a Full Professor in Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU), China. He received his PhD in the Department of Electronic Engineering from Tsinghua University, China in 2012. From 2013, he joined the Department of Computer Science and Engineering in Shanghai Jiao Tong University. From 2015 to 2016, he also worked as an Associate Research at the Speech Group in Cambridge University Engineering Department, UK. He is a senior member of IEEE and a member of ISCA, and one of the founding members of Kaldi Speech Recognition Toolkit. He has published more than 200 papers on speech and language processing with 12000+ citations, including T-ASLP, Speech Communication, ICASSP, INTERSPEECH and ASRU. He has applied for over 80 Chinese and American patents and won 5 championships of international challenges. His current research interests include the automatic speech recognition and translation, speaker and language recognition, speech separation and enhancement, music generation and understanding, speech emotion perception, multimodal information processing, natural language understanding, deep learning and multi-media signal processing, etc. He was the recipient of several top academic awards in China, including Chang Jiang Scholars Program of the Ministry of Education, Excellent Youth Fund of the National Natural Science Foundation of China, and the First Prize of Wu Wenjun Artificial Intelligence Science and Technology Award (First Completion). He was also the recipient of several awards from international research committee, including the Best Paper Award in Speech Communication and Best Paper Award from IEEE ASRU in 2019. He is also the Member of IEEE Signal Processing Society Speech and Language Technical Committee.