Zhiyuan Representatives attend 2019 SJTU Study Abroad Fair

Zhiyuan Representatives attend 2019 SJTU Study Abroad Fair Official 2019-10-24 5199

On October 23 and 24, 2019, the 4th Study Abroad Fair, Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU) is held at Minhang and Xuhui campus of SJTU respectively. Over 60 overseas universities and institutions from 19 countries/regions, and 18 schools and departments of SJTU attended the fair. Prof. Zhen Huang, Vice President, delivered a welcoming opening speech at the venue, and the event is hosted by Ms. Ping Li, Deputy Director of International Affairs Division.

The speech was followed by bilateral signing ceremony between SJTU and Mahidol University and UWM separately. Prof. Ning Wang, Dean of Humanities gave a speech and signed Double Degree Program Agreement with representative from Mahidol Univeristy.

Prof. Brett A. Peters, Dean of College of Engineering and Applied Science, UWM delivered a speech afterwards, and signed the Inter-institutional Agreement for International Educational Cooperation between SJTU and UWM. Two SJTU student representatives are also invited to share about their overseas study experiences, their perspectives on the impact of such experiences towards their studies and daily life.

Representatives from Zhiyuan College also attended the event under the invitation from International Affairs Division, SJTU, and has introduced the ‘Pilot Plan’ to the attendees, such as the overview, history, faculty, curriculum, achievements, and graduates etc.. Under detailed explanations, many domestic and international students have showed their recognition and great interest in applying for entering Zhiyuan College, to improve themselves comprehensively, esp. in terms of the abilities in conducting researches.

Also, representatives from other universities and institutions such as University of Oxford, Duke, and NTU, have also communicated with Zhiyuan representatives and are impressed by the high-quality and various programs offered by Zhiyuan College, and are keen to build/deepen collaborations with SJTU and Zhiyuan in terms of research, course programs, as well as summer schools.

The study abroad affair provides an eye-opening opportunities and options for the attendees and will further promote the passion of the students for studying in international multi-cultural environments.