In order to let the students have a deep understanding of the significance and implementation points of the Zhiyuan Scholar Project, ZIRC plans to hold the Experience Sharing Conference of Zhiyuan Scholar Project on July 21, 2021. The winner of 2021 Outstanding Achievement Award, Wu Tongyao in Class of 2017, Physics direction (about to study for a Ph.D from the University of Florida), and the winner of 2021 Outstanding Achievement Award RUNNER-UP, Wang Yunqing in Class of 2017, Biomedical Science direction (about to study for a Ph.D. from California Institute of Technology), will be invited to share their experiences in scientific research.


July 21, 2021 (Wednesday) 14:00-15:00


Tencent ID:648805964



14:00-14:10    Experience sharing (Wu Tongyao)

14:10-14:20    Experience sharing (Wang Yunqing)

14:20-15:00    Free questioning session