Zhikun Zeng (Class of 2016) explored the statistical physical effective temperature of non-equilibrium state of particulate matter and published a paper in PRL

Zhikun Zeng (Class of 2016) explored the statistical physical effective temperature of non-equilibrium state of particulate matter and published a paper in PRL Wenfang Fan 2023-03-09 1037

Zhikun Zeng, a Zhiyuan Physics graduate (Class of 2016), has published a paper with the title “Equivalence of Fluctuation-Dissipation and Edwards’ Temperature in Cyclically Sheared Granular Systems” in Physical Review Letters, and has been recommended by the editor. 



In this experiments, Zhikun and his collaborators used the particle tracking data obtained by X-ray CT imaging technology to measure the effective temperature based on Edwards system and Einstein relationship in a quasi-static cyclic shear particle system by the volume fluctuation of the system and the orientation and diffusion motion of the tracer particles respectively. It is found that the two effective temperatures are completely consistent and independent of the experimental conditions, which indicates the consistency and unity of the two statistical physical frameworks with different starting points, and proves that there is a universal non-equilibrium statistical physical framework and effective temperature in particulate matter. The verification of the validity of the statistical physical framework of non-equilibrium statistical physical framework and effective temperature in particular matter. The verification of the validity of the statistical physical framework of non-equilibrium states of particulate matter by this work is of great significance for establishing the mechanics of particle macroscopic continuum based on the statistical average of microscopic processes rather than pure experience, and for changing the existing research model of numerical simulation of particulate matter.  (source: https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/4gG3h0IRsK_jzsvMC7RW7A ) 

The link of the thesis: https://journals.aps.org/prl/abstract/10.1103/PhysRevLett.129.228004 



Zeng Zhikun had continuously participated in Physics competitions since high school and is very interested in Physics. When he learned that Zhiyuan College is a special experimental zone for cultivating top talents in basic disciplines, he decisively submitted his application. Zhiyuan gathered a group of students who have the courage to climb the peak of scientific research, they all love scientific research from the heart. Zhiyuan's high-level academic reports, cutting-edge experimental platform, experienced academic masters, and academic atmosphere of free exchange also make him more firm with his pursuits. Exploring unknown fields, studying unsolved problems, and even large-scale devices in the laboratory brought a profound sense of beauty for Zhikun and made him feel that scientific research is interesting and worth fighting for, which also lays solid foundation for his current researches.


At Zhiyuan, Zeng had met many academic masters, such as Professor Xiangdong Ji and Wei Gu, two of the world's leading physicists, who are witty, very willing to communicate with students, and also have made profound achievements in Physics. Under their guidance, Zeng Zhikun's heart kindled the pursuit of scientific research, hoping to become a scientist like them. After graduation from Zhiyuan University, Zeng Zhikun went on to further study for his doctoral degree in the School of Physics and Astronomy, SJTU. His main research direction is particle physics and biophysics. Under the dedicated guidance of Professor Yujie Wang, Zeng’s scientific research road will go wider and further.